Whale Traveled
Mobile island nation
Living transportation
A place that comes to you at need
Standing on blubber now
Be no landlubber now
O’er the waves get ready to speed
Propelled by her flukes
Not coal or even nukes
Ship whale is green as the ocean
No luxury liner
Could ever be finer
If sea travel is your notion
We’ll share a damp picnic
But one should not nitpick
Over spouting sea spray and foam
Pack sandwiches and wine
And enjoy the sunshine
While over the ocean we roam
Traveling on whaleback
Waves splash us front and back
Could there be any lunch wetter?
Zigzagging ‘cross the brine
Soaking, but feeling fine
Could there be any trip better?
I hope you will download this image and use it as a coloring page. If you do please post it to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #colormewithhugs. That way I can see what you create and I’ll even post some of them here. Thanks!